I can't believe that the leaves are already starting to change. Summer is almost over! It never lasts long enough. Here are some of my favorite memories from this summer.
This is the second year that we have had a backyard garden. These picture are from the beginning of the summer when there were more weeds than vegis or fruit. Mia loved the strawberries. I think she ate our whole crop by herself this summer. When we would eat dinner outside, she would be in the garden picking and eating all the strawberries!
I came home from school one day to find this. It was one of the cutest things I have ever seen! Tyson and Mia were making strawberry cupcakes. Strawberry.... weird, huh?! She was so exicted to help. She had her little chair pulled right up to the counter.
Waiting patiently for the yumminess to bake!
I think this was before dinner, but I didn't care. She was so excited to dig in!
We took Mia to the fair last week. It was the first time I had ever been. Mia absolutely loved all the animals. I think she would have climbed in the cages and rustled around with them if we would have let her!
Mia was being very soft with the bunny
Pony ride
Mmmmm! Cotton candy. My favorite treat and Mia's new favorite.
Tyson and Jordan going up the scary ride that drops you at the top. I did not take part in this.
Mia with all her tacky fair prizes the next morning. She wanted to carry them around everywhere she went.
Tyson, Todd and Jeff have been working so hard up at the cabin this summer. They are finishing the basement and doing some much needed updates. Todd is smiling in this picture but there aren't many smiles throughout the day. It has been hard work.
Mia, Nanny and I were fishing at the pond while the boys were working. I would put them in this bucket after I caught them. Mia wanted to pet and kiss all the fish that we caught. That must come from Tyson because I can't stand touching the slimy things!
Chanel, Nigel and Mia
This picture is hard to see but they put the kid's handprints in the new cement pad in the back of the cabin. It is cute. Mia's shoe print is also in the cement because she wandered out onto the wet cement when no one was looking. There is a little foot print with a Nike swoosh! I told Tyson it will be a good memory for years to come.